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Healthy Food for the Brain

We all know, food plays a very, very important in our body, the brain is no exception. Able to maintain adequate nutrition and function of the brain's ability to concentrate, remember, etc.. Here nutisi which has a positive influence on the performance of the brain:

1. Green vegetables.
Green vegetables such as spinach, collards, kale, ko, broccoli is very-very important for brain health of children and adults. This is because green vegetables are rich in vitamin B6, B12 and folate, which is a good component to prevent dementia and even Alzheimer's disease. Leafy greens are also usually rich in iron that can maningkatkan cognitive brain function. Unfortunately a lot of children and adolescents may be very-very hate eating vegetables, but the benefits are very-very unusual.

2. Berry family
Why do I call the berry family? because a lot of members, consisting of strawberry, blackberry, blueberry, raspberry, huckleberry, gojiberry and much more. Family berry is rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals function besides antioxidants also improve blood circulation to the brain making it easier for the brain to concentrate better. In Indonesia, the fruit is still very, very rarely consumed because it is not readily available in traditional markets. As in supermarkets, the price is definitely not cheap: (

3. Brown
Yes! This one is definitely a lot to like and do not bother to highly sought-after. As well as berries, chocolate has a high antioxidant content, especially in dark chocolate. On milk chocolate antioxidants lower. The thing to remember, though chocolate good for the brain, but do not eat too much ya. Because of excess something will definitely have a negative impact.

4. Fish
Especially salmon and tuna are very-very nutritious for the brain because it contains omega 3. Omega 3 is a fatty acid that serves to coat the neurons with good acid so it can move freely neurons in the brain. In addition, omega 3 helps improve memory in the brain receives new information without forgetting old information.

5. Cereals
Consisting of rice, brown rice, oats, etc.. Grains usually contain carbohydrates that fuel brain function as well as folate and vitamin B6 it contains a high.

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