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Benefits and Side Effects of Senna Leaf

Senna leaves or better known in Indonesia as teak leaves which had been booming China some time ago as a body slimming. But is it true china teak leaves are proven to lose weight? Let us discuss further!

If you have constipation problems, may leaf china teak is the solution. This leaf is widely known as a drug used to treat difficult bowel movements. This is because the laxative components contained therein. China teak leaf extract has a chemical substance that is anthranoid that could cause contractions in the intestines. Currently china teak leaves once easily obtained in the market, can be purchased in the form of dried leaves, in the form of powder, etc..

Pay attention to how to use: take one tablespoon of china teak leaves, place in a glass or cup and pour hot water about 250 ml into it. Let stand for about 15 minutes or until the color changed to brown, then drink while warm (leaves residue filtered if necessary). Alternatively, china teak leaves mixed with cold water and allow 10-12 hours and then consumed. But in my opinion, the use of hot water is much more practical. If you are not familiar with it, can also add 1 tablespoon of honey to give a hint of sweetness.

The thing to remember, the first time the stomach will feel heartburn (approximately 8 hours after drinking it) and raised curiosity defecation. If you have this, just stay issued. This reaction is perfectly normal and not to worry. Because these drugs react about 8 hours after drinking, it is necessary to set the time when to drink it so it does not interfere with daily activities.

To use a dose, try to take leaves of teak china 1 times a day. To-day the next day so-so 2 times a day. Usually after 1 week of use, the stomach will not semulas like the first time. The most important thing, do not use this product too frequently (more than twice a day). Substance because its strong laxative can cause negative effects on the intestine.

Another thing to note is:
Pregnant or lactating women were forbidden to drink leaf china teak because it can harm the fetus.
Children aged 12 years and under are prohibited from consuming.
Long-term use can lead to colon does not function properly.
The use of large amounts of potassium and electrolytes can eliminate the other and cause dehydration.
Plenty of drinking water.
Related to body weight, the actual functioning of teak leaves china launched a bowel movement. He absorbs water in the body thus making the stool becomes soft. When fecal waste from the colon along with automatic water weight will be reduced. Perhaps this is the reason many people who claim Chinese teak leaf potent for slimming the body if consumed regularly. However, if consumed continuously can cause dehydration (excessive loss of body fluids).

So, use it wisely and as needed

1 Response to "Benefits and Side Effects of Senna Leaf"

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