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benefits of Oranges

Oranges? Who does not know this one fruit. The color is tempting, refreshing taste and high nutritional content and good fruit for health make this one should be your family favorite. Nutrients contained in citrus is very diverse. In addition to a low-calorie, fruit this one also does not contain cholesterol. Pectin, is one of the substances in orange which is very effective for weight loss as well as protect the intestinal membranes from toxic substances.

Undoubtedly, oranges are good sources of vitamin C are very good, as was already known vitamin C is one of the powerful antioxidants. Consuming foods rich in vitamin C helps the body build immunity against harmful substances and free radicals. Smokers need intake of vitamin C two times more than non-smokers to reduce the risk of lung cancer.

When the rainy season arrives and annoying flu hit, a glass of warm oranges will be very helpful. It is associated with high doses of vitamin C contained in it can prevent the flu becomes more severe.

Like most fruits and vegetables yellow orange, vitamin A and other antioxidants are pretty good also found in citrus such as beta-carotene, zeaxanthin and lutein. Beta-carotene to maintain healthy skin, keep your skin fresh and youthful, while zeaxanthin and lutein can maintain eye health and avoid eye diseases, such as nearsightedness, cataracts, etc..

Vitamin B is also not behind in orange. Vitamin B6 and iron holds an important aspect in the formation of hemoglobin and increase the capacity of the circulation of oxygen in the body and purify the blood. Hemoglobin itself serves as a supplier of oxygen from the lungs throughout the body.

Citrus fruits also contain enough minerals, such as potassium, magnesium and calcium. Potassium is an important component in the body fluids that control the heart rate and blood pressure.

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