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Sleeping with Light On Cause Leukemia

Children who slept with the lights on at risk of developing leukemia.

The scientists found that the body needs darkness to produce cancer-fighting chemicals. Even when the toilet lights, staying up late, traveling across time zones, street lights can stop the production of melatonin.

The body requires chemicals to prevent DNA damage and the absence of melatonin will stop fatty acids into the tumor and prevent its growth.

Prof. Russell Reiter of Texas University who led the study, said "Once you sleep and do not turn off the lights for 1 minute. Your brain immediately recognizes the light as day and melatonin levels drop ".

Number of children with leukemia rose to double in the next 40 years. Approximately 500 young people under 15 years old was diagnosed with the disease each year and about 100 people died.

A conference on children with leukemia was held in London stated that people with cancer being subjected to the lights at night time sleep compared with never wearing a light bedtime.

This suppresses the production of melatonin which normally occurs between the hours of 9 pm and 8 am. Past research has shown that people who are most susceptible are shift workers who are at risk of developing breast cancer.

In fact, blind people are not susceptible to melatonin had a lower risk of cancer. Then the parents recommended for use bulbs that dim red or yellow if the children are afraid of the dark.

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