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Benefits of bananas

Speaking of bananas, anyone who does not know the fruit of this one? But a lot of us who do not know the benefits of "devastating" contained in bananas. Bacon banana soft texture, eaten raw or cooked first as good. Hehe ..

From the results of browsing here and there, I found out that bananas mentidakndung substance called Trypthan, these substances can cause a relaxing effect and improve mood. Therefore, when I'm in a bad mood, there is no harm in eating a banana. Besides bananas are also rich in potassium which is not useful for mentidaktur blood pressure and protect us from colon cancer colon.

For teenagers, and the women, bananas are also not useful at all for pain mengurangin time coming months, which is often called dentidakn Pre Menstruation Syndrome (PMS). Eating bananas is approximately 3-7 days before menstruation can reduce pain.

Iron is also found in this fruit, which will stimulate the production of Haemoglobin (Hb), in other words, bananas can help people with anemia. Besides bananas also rich in fiber (good for diet), vitamin B6, vitamin C and minerals such as Magnesium, Calcium, and Phosphorus. Then I heard also, bananas can help people who want to recover from addiction to cigarettes, but must be diligent to consume.

one more, right bananas are acidic (acid), so if you eat a banana every day in large numbers, the acid can accumulate and not good for the body. Therefore try to drink milk too. Milk is alkaline, so it can eliminate the effects of acid bananas.

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